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Roshan Sawera Novel By Rafia Aziz Complete – ZNZ

Roshan Sawera Novel By Rafia Aziz Complete – ZNZ

Roshan Savera is a Urdu Heartfelt Novel, Roshan Savera is a Kid Instruction Based Urdu Novel, Roshan Savera is a Nurturing Based Urdu Novel, Roshan Savera is a Tension Based urdu novel, Romantic tale Based Urdu Novel, Roshan Savera Impolite Cousin Based Urdu Novel, Roshan Savera is an Expectation based Urdu Novel, Roshan Savera is an exceptional story, Roshan Savera is a Social Issues based Urdu Novel, Roshan Savera is an Inconsiderate legend based Urdu Novel, Roshan Savera is a Confidence urdu novel, Roshan Savera is a Short urdu novel, Roshan Savera is an extremely fascinating urdu novel by Rafia Aziz.

Roshan Sawera Novel By Rafia Aziz Complete – ZNZ

روشن سویرا کہانی ہے روشن راہ کی۔دو دلوں کے ملاپ کی۔ عام سی یہ کہانی چیزوں کے گہرے مطلب بتاتی ہے۔ایک قدم آپ کو اٹھانا ہوتا ہے۔ ہمت کر کے حوصلہ نہ ہارنے کا عزم کر کے۔۔۔ ضروری نہیں کسی کی راہ روشن کرنے کے لیے آپ کا اس کے ساتھ ہر پل موجود ہونا ضروری ہے۔ آپ کی بس ایک کوششں ، ایک نصیحت ، آپ کے دل سے کہے گئے الفاظ بھی بعض دفعہ کافی ہوتے ہیں کسی کو روشنی کے سفر کا راہی بنانے کے لیے ۔ روشن سویرا بھی کچھ ایسے ہی کرداروں کی عام سی کہانی ہے.

Roshan Sawera Novel By Rafia Aziz Complete – ZNZ

Roshan Sveera is the story of Roshan Raah, the meeting of two hearts. This simple story tells the deep meaning of things. One step you have to take. By being brave and determined not to lose courage. You don’t have to be there every step of the way to light someone’s path. Just one of your efforts, one piece of advice, words spoken from your heart are sometimes enough to guide someone to the journey of light. Roshan Sawira is also a typical story of some such characters.

Roshan Sawera Novel By Rafia Aziz Complete – ZNZ

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81 Pages · 2024 · 3.52 MB · Urdu

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